loving the blackgirl within
inner[blackgirl]child is a framework that centers the Blackgirl child within each Black womxn’s healing journey. we view the inner child is the gateway to our spiritual selves, the selves we were before this told us who we were. the inner child is the healer of intergenerational trauma, the one to birth intergenerational healing for ourselves and our ancestors. the inner child, in divine relation with our mother ancestors, works to restore us back to wholeness by helping us to identify the patterns of generational harm, the trauma from within our childhood homes, and the healing that must be done in order to break generational curses. the inner child within each Black womxn holds the key to the true self, and invites us into transformational grief work, inner parenting work, and groundbreaking shifting from “hurting to helping to healing.”
inner child work is a tool to critically examine the ways in which inter-generational and ancestral trauma has informed your own life, a way to study the patterns of passed down pain grief abuse internalized oppression ; why your mother raised you the way her mother raised her, and why her mother raised her the only way she learned how from her mother. when we begin noticing these patterns, we enhance our awareness of how harm is passed down, even by mothers with the kindest hearts and the best intentions. we do not blame our mothers, and we do not blame ourselves. we blame the systems and structures that have imposed upon our ability to be well. yet, we name the harm our childhood selves endured, and we work to mend those wounds, so that these generational curses may end with us.
our first major publication, mourning my inner[blackgirl]child (nomadic press, 2020), will explore the process of grief and mourning that the inner child has inspired, using poetics and black feminist inquiry. for more information, visit blackwomxnhealing.com>poetry.