black womxn, are you well?
sis, are you sure?

blackwomxnhealing is an intergenerational community of black womxn committed to wholeness. we curate healing circles, exhibitions, courses, and research for us, by us. we study what it means to be well in a world that never intended for us to survive. we hold intimate spaces to teach and learn transformative creative healing modalities. in the comfort of community, we work to name layered harm, process intergenerational trauma, and begin healing deep wounds. we center self recovery as a life long process of unlearning, rediscovery, and reclamation.
we struggle together, ugly cry together+ grow together. we make space for grief+ mourning, joy+ levity. we do not judge or shame. we embrace the complexity of you. we center you in your stress& we celebrate you in your slay. we invite you to do the same. we welcome you to our sisterhood, and we look forward to holding you close in community.